Victory Christian School Kenya
The Victory Christian School Kenya is home for Pre-Primary and Primary school students.
Our vision is to make our school a united family of God known for excellence in the formation of the human person. Our mission is to train and equip the learners with knowledge and a right attitude towards life and self-actualization.
Victory Christian School cannot operate in isolation and are partnerships with you are greatly appreciated. Thank you so much to our friends and partners for your support towards the growth and development of the children in our school.

Human Trafficking.
"Human trafficking is an incredibly growing concern all around the world. There are so many children who are caught in human trafficking. Wherever we have ministries we do our best to reach children who are vulnerable to sex trafficking.
We wish to provide each girl or boy rescued with counselling, care, and eventually, life-skills training to enable them to reintegrate themselves into society and build happy and safe futures. Several children already in our orphanages came from an abusive background and are now safe in our care.
We need a lot of support to see this project become a success as we set up homes and ministry for these young children. Thank you for partnering with us in this rescue mission.

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Did you know children as young as 5 years old are bought and sold into slavery as kiln workers in Pakistan? Help us do something about this tragedy..
Needed: Missionaries
Are you looking to be God’s hand extended to orphaned and vulnerable children? Then we have a place for you! Contact us today so we can connect and share with you the mission opportunities we have for you through Victory Children’s Homes International!

Check out what others have to say about their experiences with Victory Children's Homes..