
Hazel Lurline Hill

President of Victory Children's Homes International Foundation - VCHIF

Dr. Hazel has been at the forefront of everything that Victory Children’s Homes International Foundation has done since it’s conception. One thing is for sure – no grass will ever grow under Dr. Hazel’s feet. If she’s not leading a mission team somewhere, writing another book, speaking at a conference or managing a crisis, she is spearheading some new endeavour to reach the needy in every nation around the world.

Her tenacity, strength and vision have fueled an ever evolving movement. Through all the years of trial and triumph, she has strategically brought direction to this worldwide organization and to the thousands of lives and ministries joined to it.

One of the mandates of her missions program exemplifies her courageous pioneering spirit:

“We will not just hand out fruit but we will plant as many trees as is possible in every nation. Every tree has a limit to its potential growth but a forest has no limit as to how large it can grow!”

Helen Keller once said: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”.

Dr. Hazel, has proven that there are no limits to what God can do with a woman who is willing to go on a daring adventure with Him.


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