
"Hazel's Place" School, Pakistan

Did you know slavery still exists today?

In the kiln factories in Pakistan people are enslaved. Children as young as 5 years old are forced to make bricks from clay and mud with their bare hands, as they work beside their parents 6 days a week, sunrise to sunset! Children are illiterate, poverty stricken, have little to eat, and no medical care. Supernaturally, the Lord lead me to reach out and trust Him to help me find a way to help these children. I was led to a Victory Pastors wife who also has a passion to help these children.


She also has 16 years experience as a teacher in Pakistan. Since that day Annie and I have worked together to start ‘Hazel’s Place’, a school to educate these children. We started with 70 children. We feed them and teach them and lead them to Jesus! We show them love and they have fun with us. God is so good! It does my heart good to see smiles on these children’s faces where before there was just hopelessness.

I dare say all this puts a smile on Jesus’ face too!