Haiti Sponsorship
Orphanages and Christian schools for underprivileged children are located throughout Haiti. We currently have 5 orphanages and Christian schools throughout Haiti ministering to the impoverished and disenfranchised. The national poverty rate is 58.6% of all Haitian people live in poverty with the extreme poverty rate of 24.7%.
India Sponsorship
Victory Children’s Homes Foundation has two children’s homes in India, one in New Delhi and the second in Almora, in the Himalayas. Both these homes provide loving care, education and guidance to the over 70 girls in their care. The generous support of our keeps these young girls safe, educated and out of the eyes of predators who would take advantage of them.
Kenya Sponsorship
Population of people living in poverty is 36.1%. 42% of Kenyans live below the poverty line.
The Victory Children’s Home in Kisumu, Kenya is currently the largest home under the care of Victory Children’s Homes Foundation. With approximately 400 children from ages 4-18, a strong and capable staff and programs that assist in post-secondary education for the older children who have graduated from the home. The funds raised through child sponsorship go to provide care and education for each of these children, We would not be able to do what we do without the generous support of our sponsors.
Myanmar Sponsorship
The Victory Children’s Home in Myanmar is home to 25 girls and 25 boys between the ages of 4-16. There is a strong and capable staff that help care for them and look after all of their needs. The funds raised through child sponsorship go to provide education, medical & dental care, clothing, food and anything else that a child may need. We would not be able to do what we do without the generous support of our sponsorship family!
Pakistan Sponsorship
Slavery and child labor/exploitation is still rampant in Pakistan. ‘Hazel’s Place,’ a school, was started to help poverty stricken children and save them from a life of slavery in a kiln or brick making factory. This school offers education for these children so that they can rise above the destitute situations that they have been born into and give them a hope and opportunity for success in the future.