
India Schools

Under the registered name of Love India we have many programs and schools established throughout India to provide free education, food and medical services to those who would otherwise be unable to access these simple necessities. Life is very difficult for the poor in India and we consider our efforts as a rescue mission.

Slum Schools

We also have several schools in the slum areas to educate children who otherwise would be illiterate. These schools are helping to educate thousands of children. We currently have 28 slum schools in operation throughout India. These slum schools provide over 3155 children between the ages of 4 to 12, with food, necessary medical attention and an education all free of charge. Because of these schools, slum children will be better equipped to have a productive life outside of the slums. They will receive an education that will assist them in obtaining and creating work. They are well fed and provided with basic medical attention so that they do don’t succumb to the deadly dangers of disease and famine which are a regular part of slum life.

It is our dream to see more slum schools established everywhere that we can. Your donations can help us in achieving this dream. Without the kindness of people like you we would never be able to accomplish this task. It only costs $600.00 USD a month to sponsor a slum school with 100 children. We have many churches that currently help to support these schools but more donations are needed.

Sewing Schools

Life can be even more difficult for young girls in India. Dowry deaths and bride burning still occur in India where young women are burned to death because they can no longer bring dowry money to their mother-in-law. Dr. Hazel, President and Founder of Victory Children’s Homes, was first exposed to this atrocity over 25 years ago when she visited a hospital in India and met some victims of these bride burnings. It was at that time, after much prayer and thought that she opened the first sewing school. Today we have 5 sewing schools in India that are currently helping to train more than 125 women.

These schools have been set up so that young girls and women can learn a trade by which they have a means of producing income. This income is often used to pay for dowries and therefore prevent bride burning. These women are also learning to work with oil paints and hand work. This will help them produce oil painting and hand works for sale. Donations for the sewing schools help to keep the schools running as well as to provide each women with their very own sewing machine upon graduation from the school. One Hundred percent of your donations go to help educate women in India, providing them with a bright and secure future.

Health Care Programs

Access to basic medical care is impossible for most of the people living in the slums of Delhi. For this reason we started a health workers program that provides basic medical care for individuals in the slum areas.

Lizy Jeyaseelan administrates this project and is currently overseeing 35 women, all of them qualified health care workers. Each health care worker will visit 400 homes each month in the slums of Delhi, providing over 40,000 people with basic medical attention and health care advice. This is an invaluable program that saves lives each and every day.