
VCHIF Sponsorship

Dear Potential Sponsor,

Thank you very much for your interest in sponsoring a child, youth or staff member at one of our worldwide Victory Children’s Homes.

VCHIF Sponsorship are a great way to provide a hand up and out of poverty to children, youth, women and men living in developing nations. For just $35.00 per month, you can provide hope for a better future to those living in or working at our Children’s homes. Rest assured, 100% of your sponsorship dollars will go to its intended destination.

All of our sponsors will receive a photo of their sponsored child, VCHIF E-newsletters and a Christmas Photo Card. At VCHIF we encourage our sponsors to correspond via mail with their sponsored child, youth or staff member.

With Appreciation,

Dr. Hazel Hill
President, Victory Children's Homes International Foundation

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Albert Mugisha Hillson

My name is Albert Mugisha Hillson, I've lived in Victory Family Home of Champions orphanage in Rwanda from 2008 -2013. I am 20 years old now and I study in University of Kigali, faculty of business information and technology in Level 2.

My mother gave birth to me when she was 15 years old. She could not feed me and cloth me, because she was still young herself. I was raised at my grandmother's house until I joined Victory Family Home of Champions in 2008. I hated it at that time because I could no longer see my grandmother. But today, I don't know how I can thank Papa and Mama Victory, Drs George and Hazel Hill, who obeyed the Lord and did what He requested of them. I'm happy that I'm who I am, because of what they taught me. Because of them I know Jesus, I'm a worshiper; because of them I am studying in University; because of them I learned that I need to share my talents so that others can be blessed because of what they gave me. I don’t know how I can explain how Victory changed my life, but honestly, my heart is ready to share what Jesus through Victory has given me.

It is my honor to be called a Champion ❤️❤️

Thank you also for Alen M. From Ontario Canada who is now my sponsor.

Sedrick Kwizera, Wondercheck

My name is Sedrick kwizera, Wondercheck. I am now 19 years old. I finished secondary School in 2019 with high marks.

I came to Victory Family Home of Champions in Rwanda when I was 5 years old. My parents were dead and I lived with an old Grandma who could no longer care for me. She took me to the orphanage so I would have a good life be healthy, and be a man who will have a good future.

Because of my high marks in school I received a government sponsorship to University to study mining technology. This could never have happened if it was not for Mama Victory, Dr Hazel Hill, who started the orphanage that took me in, or my sponsor family, the Wonderchecks in America who have sponsored me for many years. Thank you Mama Victory and my Wondercheck family, if it was not for you, where would I be.